Kevin Ford: Beach Shower
Featuring Kevin Ford
October 10, 2022"Kevin Ford is a physique model and accomplished trainer with that little extra spice to please every camera. Enjoy!"
Kevin Ford: Beach Time
Featuring Kevin Ford
July 10, 2022"Kevin Ford is a physique model and accomplished trainer with that little extra spice to please every camera. Enjoy!"
Streets of South Beach
Featuring Kevin Ford
May 10, 2022"Kevin Ford is a physique model and accomplished trainer with that little extra spice to please every camera. Enjoy!"
Kevin Ford: Shower Time
Featuring Kevin Ford
December 10, 2021"Kevin Ford is a physique model and accomplished trainer with that little extra spice to please every camera. Enjoy!"
Kevin Ford: Seduction Time
Featuring Kevin Ford
August 10, 2021"Kevin Ford is a physique model and accomplished trainer with that little extra spice to please every camera. Enjoy!"
Kevin Ford
"Kevin Ford has it all: a body, a face, the right moves, the right dosage of sex appeal, and a little cockiness as well. Kevin is turning heads wherever he goes. It’s no surprise that he’s a top fitness model and former Chippendale dancer. We tried to bring out the more exhibitionist part of this stunning athlete and model. And yes … he was not shy and he turned plenty of heads!"
Kevin Ford
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Waist: 31
Chest: 43
Complexion: Dark
State: Colorado
Country: USA
"100 percent Allamerican...that is Kevin Ford. Our CAA 2001 winner is all that, and more. But what's good to know is, this guy is rather down to earth and quite easy to get along with."
2018 Arnold Classic - IFBB Classic Physique (5th)