Ahmed Wardany (2)
March 19, 2013Comments from MuscleGallery:
"We literally watched Ahmed Wardany grow over the years. Meet the IFBB World Light-MiddleWeight Champion of 2010, the IFBB World MiddleWeight Champion of 2013, the the IFBB World MiddleWeight Champion of 2012 and the IFBB Light-Heavyweight Amateur Olympia Champion of 2012. We photographed Ahmed Wardany multiple times in Egypt and just recently in Miami. Egypt continuously sends the best team to the IFBB World Championships. Bodybuilding is a very respected sport in Egypt, which turned into a breeding ground for some of the worlds most talented bodybuilders. Ahmed Wardany is one of the most outstanding pharaohs with muscles."
Ahmed Wardany
Muscle Egypt Part 5
July 25, 2008"MuscleGallery presents Muscle Egypt, Part 5: Ahmed Wardany, the newest muscle star from Egypt. Only 23, Ahmed has competed in bodybuilding since he was 18, and is currently the Egyptian bodybuilding champion below 80 kilos (177 lbs). In his off-season he goes up to 95 kilos (210 lbs), which is significant mass at a height of 5'6".
Ahmed started out as a college wrestler and competed in wrestling for the state of Menoufiya. Soon enough it was apparent that Ahmed had perfect genetics for bodybuilding, and he began his competitive career.
MuscleGallery became aware of Ahmed Wordany about in March, 2007. We have sponsored him since and see great things happening in his future. Members can enjoy scenes of Ahmed shot at Port Said (Suez Canal) and at the historic sites of Abusir and Sakhara."
Muscle Egypt
"In 2006 and 2007, we took our cameras to Egypt. We knew that some of the world's greatest bodybuilders trained and competed there, and we were determined to beat the rush of publicity that always occurs when fine athletes are discovered in a corner of the world that may come as a surprise to the uninitiated. Over the next year, we returned 4 times, and the results were astonishing. In Egypt, Bodybuilding Champions are great athletic stars, known throughout the nation and treated as we treat the great NFL team players in the United States. You'll meet Ahmed El-Wardany, Hassam Meneam Samea, Moustafa Nesim, Said El-Kohley Saad, Mahmoud Atef, Anwar El-Sayed, Mohamed Zakaria and many other great athletes in the almost 100 video clips and more than 700 images of MUSCLE EGYPT!"